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May 5, 2022May 21, 2022

3224 Locust St.
St. Louis, MO 63103 United States

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The Midnight Company presents the World Premiere of an out-of-this world play, ANOMALOUS EXPERIENCE by the Company’s Artistic Director, Joe Hanrahan.  (Two Hanrahan scripts were nominated by the St. Louis Theatre Critics Circle in the Outstanding New Play category for the 2020/21 seasons – TINSEL TOWN and NOW PLAYING THIRD BASE FOR THE ST. LOUIS CARDINALS…BOND, JAMES BOND.)

ANOMALOUS EXPERIENCE depicts a public presentation by a prominent psychiatrist who has been treating numerous patients who believe they’ve experienced a chilling incident – abduction by a UFO.  The presentation includes disturbing sessions with abductees, along with the psychiatrist’s thoughtful overview of the phenomenon.  And it offers this in the context of the  recent, sensational sightings of unusual aircraft by military pilots, and the subsequent investigations demanded by congress and the public.

The play will be directed by Morgan Maul-Smith.  ANOMALOUS EXPERIENCE is based on true stories.  The alien abduction phenomenon is a real mystery.  A modern ghost story.

(PARKING TIP – simultaneous to ANOMALOUS EXPERIENCE, HAMILTON will be running at The Fox Theatre.  When on your way to the .ZACK theatre, it would be best to avoid Grand Avenue.  There’s ample parking on the .ZACK lot and on Locust.)

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