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Living, Learning and Capturing the Moment: My Journey as a Storyteller

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October 3, 2020, 10:00 am11:00 am

MO United States

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With Photojournalist and National Geographic Explorer, Neeta Satam

Saturday, October 3rd, 2020
Online: 10am – 11am CST


As a photojournalist Neeta Satam has traveled worldwide on assignment. As she works people have let her into their lives, allowing her intimate access to photograph them. She often lived with the people she photographed, developing a rapport that led to lifelong friendships and numerous poignant and learning moments. These moments profoundly changed how she looked at the world around her.
‘You often hear that you have to put your camera away and live the moment. When I reflect on the stories I covered, I feel, I have had the opportunity to live and capture the moment.’
Neeta Satam is a photojournalist, scientist, educator, and a National Geographic Explorer based in Saint Louis and Mumbai. Her work explores the themes of cultural assimilation, the human condition, and the environment through documentary photography. Her photography has been published in The New York Times, The Guardian, Le Monde, NPR, Bloomberg News, ESPN, The Washington Post, and other publications. She is a Pulitzer Center and the International Women’s Media Foundation Grantee.

Image: Kombirei Devi Khwairakpam, a retired fisherwoman who now spends part of her time weaving nylon-fishing nets. Thanga Tongbram Leikai, Manipur © Neeta Satam

IPHF’s Virtual Lecture Series will be hosted on the Zoom Video Communications platform. Links to meetings will be provided after registration. Technical assistance will be available at IPHF by phone and email.

Admission:$5 members/$10 Non Members

Please call (314) 535-1999 or email [email protected] for further assistance

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