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Thematic Exhibition Tours

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February 5, 2023, 1:30 pm

Pulitzer Arts Foundation
3716 Washington Blvd
St. Louis, MO United States

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We invite you to practice observation, deep thinking, and active learning with Museum Educators as your guide. Participants will engage in discovery through discussion and activities from the Educator’s unique perspective. We employ close-looking exercises as a way to explore themes of the artwork on view. Educators select three to five artworks and lead discussions for learners of all ages, making meaningful connections to art.

Themes are inspired by Barbara Chase Riboud Monumentale: The Bronzes and vary depending on the Educator. Themes include movement and music, a conversation with Cleopatra, and poetry. Tours last approximately 45 minutes. A list of dates and themes are below and are subject to change based on the availability of the Educator. Space is limited; registration is suggested. To register, please complete the form below.

Sun, Feb 5, 2023, 1:30pm
Monuments to Ourselves: Barbara Chase-Riboud & Automatic Writing Practice
Perhaps best known for her ambitious undertakings in contemporary sculpture, Barbara Chase-Riboud has also enjoyed an illustrious literary career since the early 1970s. Several works in Monumentale: The Bronzes fuse sculpture or drawings with the written word. Chase-Riboud employs a Surrealist technique known as automatic writing to inscribe her pieces with the “untranslatable … it’s in a language that no one understands except me.” On this thematic tour, audiences will engage in close looking exercises that center this untranslatable poetry, and then will have the chance to experiment with automatic writing of their own.

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